I wrote an article/PQOTD post last week about the addition of former Las Vegas Raiders assistant GM Champ Kelly. Kelly’s new title with our Miami Dolphins is senior personnel executive. The team has thus far not stated Kelly’s complete list of duties with the team. I then asked the following questions:
If Grier steps down or is fired after this upcoming season, would you like the team to move Kelly into the GM position, making it a more effortless and smoother transition for all sides involved? Would you instead prefer to see the team look outside the organization for someone with an entirely different take on building a team versus what you have seen from the Dolphins and Raiders in the past?
Below are some of your thoughts and answers-
MIAMI235 knows the answer to what we should do is not simple, although it should be by now.
It ought to be obvious what SUCCESS looks like. However, with where we are at as a Team, determining the correct direction, may not be as simple as wins and losses. Though it should be.
Yarganaught is not totally opposed to the job Grier has done but wishes he would stop giving in to others with a stake and drafting “projects” that might not eventually pan out.
I guess I’m not one of those fans who is all that upset with the job Grier has done. Has he been perfect… no. But he seems to always find the $$$, and does better than most give him credit for with the Draft. If anything, I feel like he makes too many concessions to the coaches when he drafts a project like an Iggy or Cam Smith.
dedstrk316 wants Ross to exercise careful consideration. dedstrk326 also trusts Crabbs take on the new hire.
I would hope Ross takes everything into consideration and look outside the organization. I know nothing about this guy at all.
Kyle Crabbs from Locked on Dolphins is very positive about the hire so I will be also. Kyle is one I trust when getting Dolphins information.
SlayerNation1 doesn’t want Ross to settle but instead overturn every stone to find the right guy.
If/When Grier is done at GM, I should hope Ross does an earnest search for a replacement from the outside (Same for HC).
Kelly would already be an insider at that point and indoctrinated into an already failed ecosystem.
Kelly hasn’t landed as a permanent GM yet with a stint as Interim. Diligence is always Due. Please don’t settle for quick and easy.
Dolfanjoe isn’t worrying about any of it now.
If they do not put it together this year, there will be a new GM and head coach next year. Really no need to worry about who they hire this year.
Miami7 prefers to go after someone from one of the well-run organizations.
Know nothing about the guy….but a Raiders cast-off isn’t the necessarily the dumpster I’d be divin’ in lookin’ toward the future. But….like with pretty much nearly every decision of the past 30 years, I’m sure it’ll work out swimmingly.
This team ‘already set’ to compete, just needing the fringes? …………..WOW?!!!!!!
The furure’s so bright I gotta wear shades….to hide from the inevitable embarrassment that awaits. Certainly wanna be sure to pluck candidates to aid future plans that come from the most well run organizations.
finfanfromsiam says ditto!
Someone from winning organization that has a proven formula! Need new unDolphins blood! Not Raiders, Jags, Brownies, ect….
It seems as if most of you are where I was with this guy. I doubt this is “the guy” if the Raiders let him go, and all of his other interviews for GM resulted in nothing. Thank you, as always, to each of you who took the time to answer our question of the day. Please join us tomorrow evening for our Victory Of The Week post and Saturday for another PQOTD response post.