It’s Friday, which means it’s time to welcome you to another VOTW post. This evening’s open conversation prompt is exactly that: What is YOUR victory for this week? Did something remarkable happen? Is there a small achievement worth celebrating? Was it related to the Miami Dolphins? How about your professional life? Or maybe your personal life? Everyone has experienced a victory, big or small, and we want to hear about yours.
This post belongs to you, the site member, also known as one of our family here at the Phinsider. This is your opportunity to share your victories from the past week. Your triumph can be significant, such as the birth of a new child or grandchild or finally landing that job or promotion you’ve worked so hard for. It can also be a minor win, like winning $100 on a lottery scratch-off ticket, or perhaps it was an excellent week for another reason you’d like to share. It’s your post and victory, so feel free to share it with the rest of the site in the comments section below.